The Week That Was 2/1/16-2/7/16

This past week had the second of our monthly gaming group nights. There were 10 people in attendance this time including two new people to our group. As usual, here’s what I played last week.

Monday – No Games

Tuesday – No Games

Wednesday – The Voyages of Marco Polo – I am not sure how I feel about this one yet. It plays fast. Really fast. Each person starts with five dice to place in one of a number of areas to move, collect goods, or get new contracts for said goods. Spaces require 1-3 dice to activate. Having only five dice can make the turns go rather quickly. I will simply have to play this more.

Thursday – No Games

Friday – Campaign Manager 2008 – Man, I am really liking this game. It is simple enough that just about anyone can play it. My only gripe is that both decks are essentially the same with some different flavor (card names, pictures & flavor text).

Saturday – Three games played. This was our second of the monthly game group nights

  • The Resistance – This was our first time playing with the full ten players. Having four spies in the midst of our group made this one quite hard. I think I like this with seven people the best.
  • Mad Gab – We got this game as a wedding gift and this was the first time we’ve actually played it. I am terrible at this game. I do like the idea of each team having someone to steal cards that were not guessed correctly but most of the time all three were figured out.
  • Forbidden Desert – Forbidden Desert, like its sibling Forbidden Island is a great co-op game. I think I like Pandemic the most of these three. They all have very similar mechanics but I feel like Pandemic is a bit more manageable at times.

Sunday – Rory McIlroy PGA Tour 2015 – Now, I know this is not a board game but I figured I would add it since it basically sucked me into the world of video golf. I initially had my reservations about this one due to the perceived lack of content in the reviews around release time. But, a deal is a deal and I got this one on sale for $16.00 on Xbox Live. It was quite enjoyable.